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NEW! Boxing, Balance, Agility & Dual-Task Training Class

WHAT: This high-intensity class involves activities like multi-directional stepping, large amplitude movements, strength training with cross lateral movements, sequencing progressions with boxing coordination, balancing on different surfaces, and multiple-tasking agility exercises such as ladder drills or battle ropes while performing a cognitive task.

These exercises have been proven to slow the progression of Parkinson’s Disease, but this class is open & beneficial to all interested! Benefits include:

  • Improved balance
  • Improved sensory integration
  • Reduced fall risk
  • Stimulate neural activity
  • Improved cognition

Bring your yoga mat and boxing gloves (or borrow a pair from us) and get ready for a fun, interactive & high-intensity workout.

WHEN: Monday @ 4pm, Wednesday @ 1pm, and Friday @ 4pm, starting April 15th

WHERE: Wells Branch MUD Recreation Center

COST: Free with Wells Branch MUD recreation tag; contact Wells Branch MUD to learn more.